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10 Habits to improve your life

“Life is hard and then you die” says the old quote. Does it have to be that way? Don’t you have a role, a chance to adopt habits and behaviors to make your life easier and happier? Sure you have. You can always reinvent yourself. Look in the mirror and say “this is not who I am”. I’ll help you with a few tricks, that can help you to go through your day with joy and fulfillment. Nothing new or rocket science. It’s actually very trivial things that with the speed of modern times, pressure and stress we tend to slowly lose grip of them. But remember, all I can do is to remember you of those small, attitudes and behaviors. But the main task – putting it into action – is on you. Change your habits and you’ll change yourself.

  1. Be more receptive and accepting in your general attitude. We subconsciously judge and take positions according to our own life experience and beliefs. Be bold, be more accepting and less resistant, find out what drives the other person or ideas.
  2. Give compliments, show gratitude. How often we take things for granted and forget people’s time and effort behind it? Showing gratitude is a sign of interest, of concern and humanity.
  3. Talk less. Do less circumstantial talks and focus on more accurate topics. Think about your counterparts reality and circumstances and how you can contribute to their improvement (and by default yours).
  4. Listen more attentively. Don’t listen to answer, listen to understand – how often are we interrupting our counterparts already with what we think is an answer or position? Instead, listen to the end and focus in understanding and not having an answer.
  5. Reading is like having a mentor, or even better, several. Observe their views, tactics, analysis, skills, experiences and so on. Absorb like a sponge. You don’t need to copy, learning isn’t only about school, there are many ways to learn in life. But again, adapt the learnings and to your own personality, reality and ambitions.
  6. A journal, ideas, a script. Whatever comes to your mind. Try it. For some of us scan be easy for others can be a real challenge, but the benefits are great. from self-satisfaction to building up skills in terms of generating ideas, creativity, boosting your way of thinking or even writing skills.
  7. Learn something new. Be curious, be eager to learn and develop, don’t stay in one island whit what you know and learned so far. Learning or being open to try new things boosts your creativity and thinking power, self-esteem and willingness to embrace challenges and adversity.
  8. Exercise. Besides the physical benefit, it improves the blood circulation and oxygen flow into your brain, thus more thinking capacity.
  9. We used to smile a laugh a lot when we were kids. Why do we tend to let go as we grow old? Responsibility? Life becomes too heavy? Too serious? Laugh without a reason, laugh at yourself, smile at strangers the street.
  10. Meditate, pray or simple stay alone and silent for a while. Regardless of your beliefs and religion, having time for silence and “pull yourself together” (body, mind, emotions and spiritual side)

These are some of the steps you can adopt to improve the quality of your life, but remember, a list will remain a list,  your life quality will only change with action, discipline and commitment, and that is on you.

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