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The modern myth series – To do lists

Who doesn’t know how to build a “to-do” list, it’s so trivial. You used it for sure at least for a while, but most likely you dropped it or still using it just for the habit, not the benefit.

You need a to-do list otherwise you’ll forget all the stuff you need to get done, we have more in more in our plate, without it one can easily lose control and fall behind with his tasks and duties.

But the “To do list” is losing its original power and intent. In nowadays we just put everything in there. What happens than? As we’re not able to finish all the items we simply move the remaining to the next day (and so on and so forth). The list is getting bigger or we get to a point we’ll never be able to get it all done, at that point we decide to cut some of the tasks. I said to cut, not to complete, as obviously we don’t have time.

Main reasons for the “To do List” failure”:

Therefore, when building a “to-do” list, I recommend you have in mind the below “not do list”:

On the day planning itself, here’s a small list to help you be more productive:

Review your planning and make adjustments

“To-Do” lists were implemented as time management and efficiency methods. If done and executed properly can have a positive impact on your outcome. Misuse it and it becomes a kind of note or reminder. As in many other areas, discipline, commitment and realism are crucial. Combining it with the Pomodoro technique can be the solution to keep in good track.

There’s also this trend of using a done list instead the to-do. To praise you, motivate you and keeping you hungry of getting things done. I prefer having them combined. A realistic, classified and timely allocated task list that I tickle with a smiley when a single task is done.

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