Site icon Amaro Araujo

Reading List

Stand in the shoulder of giants.

I read on average 3 books a month. I’m listing below some of the most inspiring, life-changing or thrilling readings I had so far.

I make my own book summary and collect some of the most striking passages, you can see those summaries using the below access:

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Don’t read or learn successful people’s habits to copy or become like them.  Read, absorb, learn, embrace ideas but adapt or check they fit to your own personality. Be genuine and authentic. Reading is a great way of acquiring skills, knowledge, ideas. But also to a good way to exercise your brain and keep the curiosity levels up.

Don’t read a book expecting it will change your life. You and you alone can change your life. A book can be the sparkle, the igniter to impulse your action, to changing habits.  Otherwise it will just another good book on the shelf, the one that you’ll refer as “once I read a book…”


Personal development/Psychology/spirituality:


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