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How to use stress as an ally

In reasonable proportions some stress can be a good ally to level up skills and reach better performance (or improve some of your gaps). Stress boosts your adrenaline, it compels you to act.

It’s a great way to fight procrastination and challenge comfort zones, two of our biggest gate keepers or immobilizers. You’re under stress when you expect something. You don’t stress over past experience (at most you might stress over its impact on the future).

Below are some examples easy to grab or adopt test or challenge your limits and exercise the use “stress” as your ally. You don’t need to excel, just to improve.

Think about those examples above. You don’t have to try them all at once, pick one today or this week. Embrace the challenge. Just imagine yourself overcoming that stressful moment. Remember, all that exists today was once imagined by someone. Therefore take that step to slowly move from an  image or dream to real life. Intentions won’t improve your life. Neither Decision. Actions will.

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